‘고양이는 야옹해’라는 이름의 유래에 대한 야옹이의 생각 중 가장 올바른 근거를 선택하시오.
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야옹이의 오시캐는?
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야옹이가 매일 꼭 하는것은?
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야옹이가 가장 좋아하는 색은?
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야옹이의 특징중 올바른 것을 모두 고르시오
ㄱ.고양이를 키운다ㄴ.동생이 있다ㄷ.너를 좋아한다
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다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
It might seem that praising your child’s intelligence or talent would boost his self-esteem and motivate him.But it turns out that this sort praise backfires.Carol Dweck and her colleagues have demonstrated the effect in a series of experimental studies: “When we praise kids for their ability,kids become more cautious.They avoid challenges.” It’s as if they are afraid to do anything that might make them fail and lose your high appraisal.Kid’s might also get the message that intelligence or talent is something that peopel either have or don’t have.This leaves kids feeling helpess when they make mistakes.What’s the point of trying to improve if your mistakes indicate that you lack intelligence?