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  • 정답률 22%- 가장 높은 정답률

    다음 대화에 이어질 내용으로 가장 적절한것을 고르시오.

    찰리 : Hi
    트친님: yeah~
    찰리: Do you know CharlJong?
  • 정답률 0%- 가장 낮은 정답률

    다음 글을 읽고 해야 할 생각으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

    In one experiment, subjects observed a person slove 30 multiple-choice problems.In all cases, 15 of the problems were solved correctly.One group of subjects saw the person solve more problems correctly in the first half and another group saw the person solve more problems correctly in the second half.The group that saw the person perform better on the initial examples rated the person as more intelligent and recalled that he had solved more problems correctly. The explanation for the difference is that one group formed the opinion that the person was intelligent on the initial set of data, while the other group formed the opposite opinion. Once this opinion is formed, when opposing evidence is presented it can be discounted by attributing later performance to some other cause such as chance or problem difficulty.